
Monday, February 18, 2013

Journal Balloons

Lately i have been working on experimenting on how to project information that can be made apparent but just as easily wiped away. So I experimented with the idea of projecting things on the road or putting letters on balloons and seeing if people would stop but then i was thinking of a more personal experiment. Keeping the physicality of the experiment, I thought and reasoned how I want to achieve this overall experiment. In my series of goals this is the most physical of them all. there is something physical being made and held. The message however is not so much. 

Ink on Balloons is very volatile, it can either eat through the balloon or it can just wipe off. You could spay it with adhesive but the tests i did and the more i thought about it the less i wanted that. Here is my experiment. If I can blow up a balloon at least once a day for the rest of the semester, write a journal entry or feeling on the balloon with a Sharpie. It is not to be sloppy bad hand writing but it will have interesting stories for each entry, the type will tell something about the entry. When the balloon has been written on next i will put it in a bag with all the other balloons. Here is where the magic works, he experimental type of this is how will the messages mesh over time because of the fact that the ink rubs off on the other balloons? Over time memories and ideas change, one can never really remember exactly how we felt, we have a general sense but no true memory of how we actually felt. I believe the messages i am writing are reflective of this idea. The messages get messy and blend together becoming a general mess. Somethings are readable but the overall feeling is gone. So I want to compile a large amount and see how it ends up. 

I have color coded my entries also to add to the experience. I can evaluate the success off of the different colors and seeing if the messages have changed. What if the message that was angry was now diffused and mixed with one of the happier ones? Events like this is what i am hoping is going to happen and I am excited to see what will happen. 

Red - angry_upset
White - in between not upset or angry.
Yellow - ecstatic, happy, excited
Green - educated_learned
Orange - creative_made
Blue - Sad_upset

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