
Friday, March 15, 2013

building information // a self assessment

It is hard to really evaluate my opinion on my performance to date within IA, not because I feel like I'm behind or have been not been working hard. I think it is hard for me to evaluate myself because I feel that i am doing well. I believe that my first project within the class, building the NYT site mockup, showed some understanding of controlling information and concessively making interactive formal design. I have taken this class serious i believe my work has shown such. Since the wireframes i have tried to be as clear as possible, in addition trying to understand how a user navigates and would use the site. (See the images below)

The presentation of our websites i showed an understanding of what the site was trying to achieve within the site, people responded positively. The affirmation that people saw how the site was organizing a ton of information in a clear way in addition response was that it was using a nice sense of whitespace which helps the viewer taking in such a dense information packed site. There were things i can work on within the site, but that is just how things work. new thoughts are always appreciated--and that is something i have been really to work on. Being open to input is difficult at times but i am giving anything a chance. Overall so far i think with my input in crits and just my own work quality to date i would think im doing pretty good. This however doesnt mean I will slack off and not be pushing myself to do more, because i will be for the rest of the semester, especially when working on the collection website right now i do not want to come up short within my design and userbility (bushism for user ability to interact with) Now time for spring break!

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