
Sunday, October 13, 2013

VA reading response week7

Are Humanitarian Designers Imperialists?

The article is talking about how people believe that humanists or humanitarian groups sort of force feed change on others. I think it is interesting her opinion that she is fighting for is that she and her partner do not go about it in such a way. I think the task of taking on opinions is a force fed type of media, but people have crossovers in opinions so it may be force fed on some people but others it may co-inline with their opinions. I am a firm believer in experience, experiencing your own life, day by day, but it can be an eye opening task when experiencing others lives. 

Politics Please, We're Social Designers

I feel that the article misplaces designer and design. You can be a design thinker, someone who sees the problem and comes up with creative solutions. You don't always have to be apart of the movement. I think being a part of it may help but to understand and realizing the tasks of a group can be just as strong. I feel as yes we should be social and attempt to be a part of the world around us but we will find our own interests. They dont always have to be for an opinion or a movement. 

Human Dignity and Human Rights: 
Thoughts on the Principles of Human-Centered Design

Experience mold us as humans. It creates the images of who we are. Experiences of the past, present, and understanding of where we are going in the future will be grid to how we are people. Now I'm not saying that if you are raped you will forever be a victim of rape, no i am saying what you do about such an experience will make you who you are. How you perceive, interpret, and digest information is based on experience. It could be based on language, the tone, or the looks of a person, but the only reason you interpret in those ways are because an experience taught you to think that way. Human centered design is weird we try to design for people but for me we try to take care of body and mind. We try to reason each little concept. We push it, package it in a nice little box with a bow on top, but at the beginning and all throughout it was all about the concept of experience and controlling that (attempting to at least) 

Massive Change

Humans are humans and until we all view each other in the understanding of that society will not change. Class does nothing, money does nothing, race does nothing, all those petty things just bring down the human race. If we want to change people need to grow up and stop being children about things that never even happened to them. People need to have the drive to work, others need the drive to help, we need to work as a human community, not these niche groups we all live in. 

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