
Monday, February 17, 2014

branding reading

The Brand Called You(collin)

selling the sizzle, the whole time reading this article i was thinking about "drop it like it's hot" by snoop dog. the article focuses primarily (easily deducted by the title) on self branding but not how to develop your self brand but how awesome it is to have a recognizable self brand. Something that is recognized as well as a popular well known branding, i.e. obey, dooney and burke, etc. to have a self image that everyone recognizes. to be honest that would take a lot self promotion and a attitude that no one could ever resist. from what I've learned its hard to get your name out there just from your work, and having a great attitude can only get you so far. sometimes having such a loud brand persona can cause the person to seem fake. that may not be the truth about the person but they come off as a little fake. 

i didn't get much other than having a well recognized brand would be dope, and i agree it would be but i think for branding of yourself is sorta a built in thing that shouldn't supersede the person the brand is about. in terms i think is easy to understand the brand should be the fresh paint job on a car, as long as it doesn't take away from the curves and the beauty of the body it is perfect. the brand should only be a nice intro into your work or self, it shouldn't over do it. 

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