
Friday, February 8, 2013

Exploring the Reactions of Others

I think it is important to setup some main goal to my T4 Experimental type project. I think if I am supposed to plan a project for the rest of the semester I really need to make something that can go in so many different ways. So I have been pondering how I can create or control reactions of other people with the use of projection in multiple ways. First I intend to see how people react when driving in certain situations a the word stop is projected in front of them, how can that effect what they are doing, how will they respond, or will they just continue driving? How can I push that idea and how can i expand upon the idea of that path.

Another idea I had was to introduce air, sound, and projection. What will happen when i project a letter or word on fog or something that i can project on that shows the sense of "air" and if i introduce the word or letter's sound upon the fog with the word being projected upon. How does that add to the word or experience of the letter form. I think that could go many places and also could create an interesting interaction between people and their environment.

the next idea I had was creating letterforms through air, can people distinguish between different letterforms? My idea was to use those turbo heaters that shoot air and direct them so that they make an A or H and to see if people can really distinguish between different letters or i can spell out AIR or something, trying to make a challenge for people to recognize the interaction between themselves and their environment. How far could that interaction be pushed or challenged is limitless. The biggest fall back in this experiment would be cost.

Overall i think i can really try multiple things and I had even thought trying all three in someway together, how can all these separate ideas come together and form a whole new experience. Who knows.

- Collin P. Mooney

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