
Friday, April 26, 2013

T4 update

(final experiments above)

The year is coming to a close, only three weeks left and finals are starting to pop up at the horizon. T4 so far has been eventful, I really have been pushing myself within the class trying new things and trying to reach new goals.  Not confining myself and really looking to new answers each week for the problem at hand. However without some sort of control i could have easily lost what i was trying to do. As i saw other classmates succumb to the complexity or lack there of the self assigned work I tried to give reason each week to what i was doing. Not just justifying what my experiment was that week but just in my head to what i would be learning or expressing, helping myself grow. Working with the idea of distortion I was open to doing anything i really wanted to. So it was interesting to see what i came up with. 

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