
Friday, April 26, 2013

iphone wireframes // response

FIESTA APP wireframes

The movement within mobile devices is quite rapid. Understanding of finger gestures has pushed the format to be easier and more accessible for a wider audience. I understand that really if an app isnt built so that someone can only use one had that it really effects the usage of the app. It is interesting that people are so used to being able to just use one hand when really generationally we have been using both hands for the same purposes. I look at using my computer today, i type with both hands and play games with both hands, but then i think well i do write with one hand and we use one hand on the phone, changing the channels on tv, there are tons of things we just are so instinctual to do that may or may not call for both hands. I also find it interesting the finger gestures that we have been employing upon the mobile format.

Fingers are one of the things that put us on the evolutionary top, so it is natural to employ solutions to such a small format by using finger based responses to the problem. I figure that it took some time to figure out that people like the ease of just using one hand. I can see making it a standard to use both hands could complicate the finger system also. there would have to be a lot more responsive coding for it to work appropriately. When i was reading about the differences between formats for web i was reading a "versus" or comparison graph comparing mobile/hybrid/responsive/native sites. It was talking about how Mobile sites or apps have been so openly excepted being that they have redefined responsive design. They on average are just easier, cost effective, responsive, personal, and function in a way that people are more open to using them. The old days of having to use basic sites has faded because over complicated or un exciting formats have been out-shined by the pretty little package the iphone (or mobile in general) has brought to the table. 

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