
Sunday, September 8, 2013

VA: Reading response W3

article. Graphic Authorship.

The definition of author has changed over the years. The author proposes a different model for designers as writers via the form of: designer as translator, designer as performer, and designer as director.

designer as translator.

Designing is essentially the clarification of materials. It is not scientific or historical, simply a representation of information. Sometimes the information has to be changed to fit a different audience, but that is still simply translating, not creating.

designer as performer.

Just like the author and musicians used in a play are needed for it to exist, neither gets credit for the creation of the text. The information will always change based on how it is expressed and by who. The designer expresses content through graphic devices, giving the information life.

designer as director.

This only happens with large-scale projects. Often, designers work in conjunction with other individuals who help to research or give the needed information. The designer simply transforms large amounts of information into a new form or content structure.

But in the end, the author states that designers will always be designers.

article. The Designer As Producer.

Products don’t last as long as they once did because new technology allows for quicker changes from design to replication, which then enables quicker discussion of designs and then production. Technology changes have also allowed us to distribute goods at a larger scale, no longer simply local. Designers are able to not only produce more readily but also have the ability to make more specific/intricate/niche items than before with the aid of smaller shops or via handcrafted.

So really, it’s a great time to be in the design field and creating innovative products. We no longer have as many boundaries as we once did based on technologies. Then again, you need to add in the factor that it may cost more to produce these designs and thus keep us further from creating the next big project, but it will allow us to continue dreaming and hopefully find someone who can make our dreams a reality, for a not so astronomical price.

article. Design With Intent.

Designers have changed their stance to be more user focused on effecting them on an immediate + intimate level, not through distance.

questioning user-centered design.
User-Centered Design used to be a system based on observed and implied needs over time. It has now transitioned into creating an interface that is nearly invisible to the user’s eyes; basically it has become something like second nature.

new design practices.

The almost invisible design of user-centered, almost invisible order has become a topic of question as of late. There are three types of ‘societal transformation’ that are emerging: persuasion design, catalyst design, and performance design.

percussion design.

This design focuses on the idea of using influence in design choices to alter the mind of the user. Basically this uses color, or form to make the user subconsciously react to what they see.

catalyst design.

This design focuses on active involvement of those in the designated audience. These individuals are not tested anonymously but visually in a given community.

performance design.

This design focuses on the ability of emotional impact; the ability to make change by causing emotions and sharing stories.

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