
Tuesday, September 3, 2013

VA : week one r&r

design thinking and the falsities of it all. 

As a designer our biggest secret is how we observe and report. In truth 
anyone can think in the same way as we do. The reason why designers
or specifically good designers are successful is because we are brought
in from an outside pov. We are not as close to the subject topic which 
allows us to bring some new things to the table. However this really is
not a skill limited to designers. We are all able to view from an outside
view and come up with answers to the problems in a "design thinking"
way. The sobering thought is that we are not special, anyone can do 
what we do, however it is up to the designer to dig deeper and truly 
dive deep and pull out a design that represents the party because that
shows just how smart of a design thinker they really are. 

good citizenship, promoting, demoting, propaganda, what ever floats.

Controversy is unavoidable within design, whether it is social, political, 
or sociopolitical. Designers in general are very loud, not afraid to talk 
about the things that matter to them. Designing for those ideals is 
another animal in its own. Being someone who knows what is going on
around them and taking a stand for that idea can be hard as a designer
because it can cause some burnt bridges if not now but in the future.
We go client to client because that is the only way we keep afloat. 
However there are many ways to be proactive and design for "good".
I think it is important to know what you believe in and find a way that
you can pursue being an active member of that community and give 
back to those around you. Also to be open to helping others because 
not everybody knows how to design an image that is inviting and if 
our gift is the ability to do so why not share that gift to better the
communities around us?  I think it is important to get out of our norm
and to push our comfort zone and usually helping other is a great way
to do so. being a good citizen in a messed up world. 

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