
Tuesday, September 3, 2013

VA: week two r&r

graphic agitation: social and political graphics since the 60's

Propaganda is so so old, any history class can tell you that. 
The use of propaganda is both good and bad it all really
is determined by who is controlling the flow of information. 
Usually propaganda makes it self known in the world, it is
loud and it is supposed to be compelling. I think propaganda
is just another tool that a designer should have a handle on
but I believe that the use of language is what should be 
handled well to create a successful propaganda series. 

visualizing a revolution: emory douglas and the bpn

I believe that the key focus of this topic is really to understand
the strength of people and a culture. Ignoring them and 
misrepresenting them can be a dumb decision and I think
as designers we are to make sure we make the peoples who 
are ignored heard for who they are. The usage of print and
mass propaganda played a big part of their message being
heard. Some of the strongest opinions have had just as 
simple of a start and caused mass movements. It is a reaso-
nable idea to always think about the message and how easy 
it is for a message to grow if you give it a small push. I think
it is important to recognize the voice of others and how much
of an impact their words can make. 

design of dissent: introduction & interview with milton glaser 

First I have to say I love Mr. Glaser, I find his work awesome, but 
enough of me gushing but this is basically another explanation that 
our work can cause a big impact. I get it... I do think it is nice that
he explains the sides of it all however, its not always going to be 
a good thing. It can be destructive just as easily as constructive, the
possibility that it can alienate a group of people is important to
recognize. Ignorance is not always bliss in design. As designers we
should be aggressive and push ourselves to know what is right for
the client. And that sometimes is not what they envision but as a 
designer we need to design think and rationalize our decisions in a
clear way for the client. That way they understand and also the 
designer has a grasp on what kind of impact the design has. 

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