I haven't spent much time recently thinking about specific goals for myself, I presume
it is time to really start figuring out what I really want out of life.
Some short term goals I have made for myself for the next year consists of:
1) Build portfolio experience that reflects myself and my work.
2) Build a web presence, site, that shows my skill as a designer.
3) Really sort out what makes me happy in design. Branding? UX? MX?
4) Apply for Jobs at firms or places that fit that meet my wants.
5) Connect my work to the automotive world, Start to connect my two passions.
6) Make a video that represents my work and myself.
I also have the want to just make myself better also. I know working at a firm has a
wonderful effect on myself. I just want my work to be up to par as the professionals
I will be working with.
My long term goals are very important to myself, looking to be within 4-6 years.
These longer term goals consist of the following;
1) Find a firm and do work I'm happy with.
2) Go abroad and work with a different type of designer, other than American's.
3) I want to learn as much as I can from other design firms across the pond.
4) I want to become a SR. or VP of creative/art direction at a firm.
5) Hone my skills as a designer in a whole.
6) Possibly do some Industrial design. I like building things so it is a possibility
that in the future I will venture into the world of Industrial design.
Life is an ever-changing experience, I have never been one for thinking of the future.
My best self is in the present, all I can do is better myself each day I spend on this
planet. Its tough thinking about things that could change so easily, a simple event could
change all my goals or wants. I however do know that I am passionate about Design, Cars,
and interacting with others.
Good concise statements. I think one of your long term goals should be a short term goal though: "Find a firm and do work I'm happy with."