
Wednesday, September 19, 2012

VIJAY poster process update

Updating on the process for Vijay's Jazz series in the Folly Theater Kansas City, MO. Starting from my early draft i ran into the issues of how the keys are interacting with the piano, so developing the keys was key to my work. originally I had masked off actual keys and worked in that area, but I personally had wanted to make it more less cheep looking or ugly, laughing out loud, so I moved to a fully penned out type that I had more control with.

The original was a nice draft to get the ideas I wanted down, working from there was important to start critically working on it. Started to look at the typography more in-depth.

So I re did the keys completely and started to think about the drips more and introducing more of a concise flow of the drips with more meaning. 

After changing colors, type layout I went through and re-edited my keys. I found issues with the A and the J gave me a hell of a time so I was directed to manage those and try to actually represent keys of a piano appropriately.

Since I wanted to make the keys more accurate to a real piano such as how the black keys are laid out and so I made a skeleton to produce the funky angles I want without loosing some grid. 

So I had to work on the clarity of the Type of the letters A, J, and V so I focused on them and making the overall keys more cohesive and i started to make the work more developed, I have gotten to the point where the comb is being used to make things as good as they can be.

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