
Monday, December 3, 2012

Motion Design Demo Reel 2012

It is time to work on my latest Demo reel being that 2012 is coming to an end here is my work in the last three months in my motion narrative class. It has been a fun time working on my narrative skills and I feel that I have learned more in this class than any other to date. I have learned technical skills along with overall understanding of composition. I am proud of what I have learned I feel that I will build upon this new skill. The video starts off with my logo build, CD which is Collin Design. The build is simple which leads into the Building up with steam video I did on the DJ Shadow song. I felt that since the video for Building was so transient I could build off that and basically hypnotize the audience and the other videos basically are being played in your mind. The imagery treatment is dubbed down so that it gives the sense of being past. Being played over the last year so it ages the video but also still looks interesting. Each transition is pretty basic, no big super hard things but simple and consistent.

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