
Wednesday, October 5, 2011

the interesting things about the american flag #1

The American flag can represent many things, it has to being it represents a whole nation, and so the nation represents the flag. The biggest problem about flags is that they represent everything that happens in the nation. Even though the flag is there to represent the idea of freedom of America, the consistent wars and military disobedience can cause people to have bad views about the nation. The aid and protection the military presents is great but the bad apples of the groups easily contradict the whole meaning behind the flag.  causes people to burn the flag in hate because of something that had happened to them or to somebody they know. Its sad to see how easy it is for the flag to be represented in a whole well by the military but at the same time so distorted by it at the same time. It is a true catch 22 with the military representing the flag, as much good they do in the world they will always be viewed by some people as a bad group of people.

Being that the American flag represents all entities who live and represent America it is easy to view it as a symbol of empiricism. The military really adds to the viewing of America, being that it is always in war and has soldiers in practically every nation the views on America can be pointed or associated directly to the military. Even though the soldiers may be helping what ever nation they are in, such as helping building communities, protection, economic stimulation, and just all around Aid when bad things happen. A sad fact though and a big attribute to the reason why the flag can be poorly represented by the military is that sometimes there are bad apples that do bad things that make some peoples attitudes for the america and the symbol of the america, the flag a distasteful one. One that sometimes leads to Flag burning, obscuring, recreation that represents it in a bad way, and other forms of disrespectful acts. It is sad that the military is such a catch 22 for the flag, since they do so much good but the bad completely out weighs the good.

flag burning,
catch 22,

distastful, obscuring,

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