
Thursday, February 9, 2012

Part B//Making Meaning

Part 1


These images are examples of how Anchoring (Type+Image) and Relaying (Type+Image) can change the meaning or strengthen a point of view being generated on a subject. 

Anchoring Type

This is an example of how Type added to an image can further a point. By Adding "Cigarettes will kill you!" this furthers the idea that cigarettes are bad for ones health. By maintaing the look of the box in what looks like a print add it furthers the possibility of realism. 

Anchoring Image 

On the other spectrum of the dial this Anchoring image/text is furthering the Parliament brand. By adding "organic" with a leaf and changing the colors to a green the image creates a sense of a healthy alternative that is all "organic" and with the big push to be more green this plays off that want in todays society. This is a good example of mixing both techniques to strengthen the Parliament brand cigarettes.

Relaying Text

By adding Doctor approved, prolongs life this image is relaying a completely false and absurd image. Closely on the border of Anchoring the Addition of the Doctor, medical science world logo this completely changes the image. Changing the box from something doctors say to stay away from but something they support. The strengthening attribute to this image is the Text though, because without the Text the main point would not be as strong. 

Relaying Image

The image of the cross, is enough, the cross implies moralities. The image itself brings connotations that only a cross can really induce. The image is strong, and is a very relay based image addition.

Changing an image's connotations and denotations to create a new idea or strengthen an image's meaning. That is what these examples are showing. 

(Original Type)


The Image denotes the DC logo with "shoes" added underneath. The connotations with DC as a logo are usually, based on Culture, is Urban and youthful being the company started by making Skate shoes for Skaters, which is based of a youth driven demographic. Adding a clean and clear type face such as Arial and just plainly stating Shoes creates a clean and clear brand for the company. Even though there are no shoes that say "hey DC makes shoes" the "shoes" adds to the mix and states DC must make shoes. Strengthening the DC shoe branding.


In this image it denotes the DC logo but this time it says "Salon/spa usa" and portrays lips instead of the normal star in the DC logo. This Relay image is totally changing the brand of DC and taking it away from "shoes" to rebranding DC as a "salon/Spa" center venue. The connotations change from being shoes and skating and youthful to women specific, gucci gucci branding similarity, very feministic connotations, which are far from the original connotations created by the brand.

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