
Tuesday, October 1, 2013

VA reading response week 5

He Might Be Giant; Shepard Fairey

Shepard Fairey is known well to my generation. I find his work cool, but in the sense that i would love to chill with him and to see what he is really like. We are all just people and even when fame comes to us or doesnt we all are still human beings with feelings, opinions, and normal routines that make us normal. I think it is awesome that his work has gotten such success, I think most artists want that (since design is an art form). Even if you are super humble it is always great to be appreciated.  

Guerrilla Street Postering

Propaganda, oldest form of design, pushing an opinion of a specific audience on another audience. Not so much in a subtle way but still it is a rough design form. Street Postering has its use and it has been around for ages. I think to understand that not all guerrilla postering is aggressive would be a start to understanding the concepts behind some of the work. I think that this was one side of a 12 sided dye. 

Adbuster Veronique Vienne Interview Kalle Lasn. 

Kalle Lasn proposes that the field of design uses another judging area when accepting jobs to work. She believes that there should be a judge of how much the design is going ti impact its users and those around them. She believes that designers are really causing impact on on the world negatively through psychological impact of these products that we're designing for. I can see where she is going with this, but I feel there are too many variables to actually take this proposed plan into actuality. And I really feel that many people will just come in and swoop up these projects to create design for, because they need the money. I don't think that you can honestly base a system off so much uncertainty.

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