
Sunday, February 23, 2014

(find 'n share) portfolio site inspiration

These sites have a draw to me. From the navigation to the horizontal scroll, I would like to take certain aspects from these sites. The strength of imagery and color to show personality is something I would like to touch on.











Wednesday, February 19, 2014

1)  Recently Rebel8 posted a call for graphic designers on their fb page. If I wanted to apply I would really have to cater more of my portfolio to a specific culture more and being in California is something to consider, however the job would be a dream.

contact: Joshy @ career opportunities

2)  Saatchi & Saatchi, what else do I have to say? I have followed their work for about 5 years and their clientele and culture appeal to me.

Phil @ Saatchi

3)  Talmadge Powell, I Have a great respect for the creative director Todd Pyland, The experience with working under him and the team at Talmadge Powell would be immensely beneficial as a designer.

Todd @TP

4)  Brothers & Company, I have done a internship at Broco and it was the best experience I have ever had. The creative department really took me under their wing. The team is completely professional and I respect Tommy Campbell and his opinion. The clients and environment is home to me.

Tommy @ B&C

5)  Carmichael Lynch, Recently taking a majority of ad work for subaru, digital work, and some print work C&L would be a great place to work. Im sure DDB is using them for the subaru account, but C&L would be a nice firm to work for.

(haven't found contact)

Monday, February 17, 2014

branding reading

The Brand Called You(collin)

selling the sizzle, the whole time reading this article i was thinking about "drop it like it's hot" by snoop dog. the article focuses primarily (easily deducted by the title) on self branding but not how to develop your self brand but how awesome it is to have a recognizable self brand. Something that is recognized as well as a popular well known branding, i.e. obey, dooney and burke, etc. to have a self image that everyone recognizes. to be honest that would take a lot self promotion and a attitude that no one could ever resist. from what I've learned its hard to get your name out there just from your work, and having a great attitude can only get you so far. sometimes having such a loud brand persona can cause the person to seem fake. that may not be the truth about the person but they come off as a little fake. 

i didn't get much other than having a well recognized brand would be dope, and i agree it would be but i think for branding of yourself is sorta a built in thing that shouldn't supersede the person the brand is about. in terms i think is easy to understand the brand should be the fresh paint job on a car, as long as it doesn't take away from the curves and the beauty of the body it is perfect. the brand should only be a nice intro into your work or self, it shouldn't over do it. 

Self branding Part II

In attempting to start to concisely brand myself I continue to make changes and try to better my resume, cv letters, bio, etc.

(digital resume & letter)

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

My Future

Thinking of my future as in my branded identity and what I want to show to the world. Here is where I am goring right now with my self branded identity. My Bio, Branding options, My portfolio work right now and their descriptions, and my resume with catered job application answers.

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Frank Chimero Response

Word of mouth is not always for me.

I believe in experience, people make decisions based on experiences
they have had. We shape ourselves and skills through learning.
Chimero made a point to say that we lean and respect what we learn
from out professors, our guides for what is right and wrong. I agree
we should pay attention to what they have to say, they have either
learned it or experienced it themselves, however I feel that the only
way I have ever gotten better is through experiencing things first hand.
It is similar to how we are to develop identities for others, how can
we truly brand someone if we do not experience some aspect of their
life? Some of the best designs have come about by truly getting to
know the subject, not just slapping some trendy hip design and calling
it good. Chimero is on point about how the aesthetic does fade away
but the initial idea or reasoning is the only thing that stands. I agree
with this point the most. I think a refreshed experience can always
bring enlightenment to something that may not have been apparent
before. I think I make great eye contact when interacting with others.

Goals For Myself

I haven't spent much time recently thinking about specific goals for myself, I presume it is time to really start figuring out what I really want out of life.

Some short term goals I have made for myself for the next year consists of:
1)  Build portfolio experience that reflects myself and my work.
2)  Build a web presence, site, that shows my skill as a designer.
3)  Really sort out what makes me happy in design. Branding? UX? MX?
4)  Apply for Jobs at firms or places that fit that meet my wants.
5)  Connect my work to the automotive world, Start to connect my two passions.
6)  Make a video that represents my work and myself.

I also have the want to just make myself better also. I know working at a firm has a wonderful effect on myself. I just want my work to be up to par as the professionals I will be working with. My long term goals are very important to myself, looking to be within 4-6 years.

These longer term goals consist of the following;
1)  Find a firm and do work I'm happy with.
2)  Go abroad and work with a different type of designer, other than American's.
3)  I want to learn as much as I can from other design firms across the pond.
4)  I want to become a SR. or VP of creative/art direction at a firm.
5)  Hone my skills as a designer in a whole.
6)  Possibly do some Industrial design. I like building things so it is a possibility that in the future I will venture into the world of Industrial design.

Life is an ever-changing experience, I have never been one for thinking of the future. My best self is in the present, all I can do is better myself each day I spend on this planet. Its tough thinking about things that could change so easily, a simple event could change all my goals or wants. I however do know that I am passionate about Design, Cars, and interacting with others.

Job Opportunities.

1)  Recently Rebel8 posted a call for graphic designers on their fb page. If I wanted to apply I would really have to cater more of my portfolio to a specific culture more and being in California is something to consider, however the job would be a dream.

2)  Saatchi & Saatchi, what else do I have to say? I have followed their work for about 5 years and their clientele and culture appeal to me.

3)  Talmadge Powell, I Have a great respect for the creative director Todd Pyland, The experience with working under him and the team at Talmadge Powell would be immensely beneficial as a designer.

4)  Brothers & Company, I have done a internship at Broco and it was the best experience I have ever had. The creative department really took me under their wing. The team is completely professional and I respect Tommy Campbell and his opinion. The clients and environment is home to me.

5)  Carmichael Lynch, Recently taking a majority of ad work for subaru, digital work, and some print work C&L would be a great place to work. Im sure DDB is using them for the subaru account, but C&L would be a nice firm to work for.

6)  DDB North America (chicago or Canada), DDB is much like Saatchi & Saatchi, huge but they have clientele projects that I would be stoked to work on.

7)  CATLY, A automotive industrial design group, i would really love to do design for them. Doing design for ui, hud, typography, whatever I could get my hands on.

8)  Plantet Propoganda, They do some really cool identity/branding work. The firm looks to have a really cool persona. I would love to see what they are all about.!/about

9)  Pentagram, talk about another large from that would be intense to work at. They are another from that does automotive work which is a type of clientele that I really want to work with.

I really want to find a firm that does automotive work, I want to do more research into places on the other side of the earth. I wouldn't mind spending my days doing branding and identity work either. I get a joy in meeting and taking context into form. I need to keep on the ball and try to find more places for opportunity

Monday, November 4, 2013

Find n share

The figure app is a pretty cool music Dj app. The focus on the artistic side of the actions is a refreshing concept and is super addicting. The form is tied to the form

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Interactive World (Helfand Reading Response)

"New boundaries are enabled by new kinds of technologies, by demands of new products and the imperatives of new economies"

Technology in the late 90's to the mid 2000's was clearly explored just like the artists of dadaism, cubists, and constructivists. Now technology is being pushed more and more. The question of why has always been asked, even why a machine has an animation and whether or not it is even worthy of the time. I believe the question is why not? Technology has made people question the beauty of the world around them, they get so sucked into the flatness of technology. Each step further into that design takes us away from the physicality of living our lives outside the framed screen. One of the biggest reasons ive wanted to be a designer was to make the world around me more apparent and beautiful. I think about what if the walls and ground we step on is a meshing of technology and nature. I think that technology is slowly pushing in that direction.

Introducing the ideas that the internet has provided us into the physical world is the next big thing. how can we make the world function like or with technology? We are neither limited nor belittled by our previous designers of the 21st century. We can create detail, reason, something of worth with technology all we have to do is continue to be avant-garde.

Sunday, October 13, 2013

VA reading response week7

Are Humanitarian Designers Imperialists?

The article is talking about how people believe that humanists or humanitarian groups sort of force feed change on others. I think it is interesting her opinion that she is fighting for is that she and her partner do not go about it in such a way. I think the task of taking on opinions is a force fed type of media, but people have crossovers in opinions so it may be force fed on some people but others it may co-inline with their opinions. I am a firm believer in experience, experiencing your own life, day by day, but it can be an eye opening task when experiencing others lives. 

Politics Please, We're Social Designers

I feel that the article misplaces designer and design. You can be a design thinker, someone who sees the problem and comes up with creative solutions. You don't always have to be apart of the movement. I think being a part of it may help but to understand and realizing the tasks of a group can be just as strong. I feel as yes we should be social and attempt to be a part of the world around us but we will find our own interests. They dont always have to be for an opinion or a movement. 

Human Dignity and Human Rights: 
Thoughts on the Principles of Human-Centered Design

Experience mold us as humans. It creates the images of who we are. Experiences of the past, present, and understanding of where we are going in the future will be grid to how we are people. Now I'm not saying that if you are raped you will forever be a victim of rape, no i am saying what you do about such an experience will make you who you are. How you perceive, interpret, and digest information is based on experience. It could be based on language, the tone, or the looks of a person, but the only reason you interpret in those ways are because an experience taught you to think that way. Human centered design is weird we try to design for people but for me we try to take care of body and mind. We try to reason each little concept. We push it, package it in a nice little box with a bow on top, but at the beginning and all throughout it was all about the concept of experience and controlling that (attempting to at least) 

Massive Change

Humans are humans and until we all view each other in the understanding of that society will not change. Class does nothing, money does nothing, race does nothing, all those petty things just bring down the human race. If we want to change people need to grow up and stop being children about things that never even happened to them. People need to have the drive to work, others need the drive to help, we need to work as a human community, not these niche groups we all live in. 

Monday, October 7, 2013

VA reading response W6

Why being less bad is no good & Eco Effectiveness

Humans will be humans, we will always produce waste and will not assimilate into the idea that we could be a better people by not killing
our planet. We use chemicals like no other and act as if we are not doing any harm to this wide world of ours. For me I laugh at people say my car is killing the environment because it is a fast car, yet they do not know how AFR's work or how my car is putting out less pollution than their "eco friendly 32 mpg" car. People like bliss and bliss in the 21st century is ignorance. people are the breakdown of a permanent or solid efficient way of being eco friendly. 

Catherine Gray on Sustainable Business

Monopolies was the only thing that i really got out of this article and how we should support them and help change their ways to help us as a society of humans to be better. Since they have the largest impact why not. At least that is what Catherine Gray seemingly is saying. 

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

VA reading response week 5

He Might Be Giant; Shepard Fairey

Shepard Fairey is known well to my generation. I find his work cool, but in the sense that i would love to chill with him and to see what he is really like. We are all just people and even when fame comes to us or doesnt we all are still human beings with feelings, opinions, and normal routines that make us normal. I think it is awesome that his work has gotten such success, I think most artists want that (since design is an art form). Even if you are super humble it is always great to be appreciated.  

Guerrilla Street Postering

Propaganda, oldest form of design, pushing an opinion of a specific audience on another audience. Not so much in a subtle way but still it is a rough design form. Street Postering has its use and it has been around for ages. I think to understand that not all guerrilla postering is aggressive would be a start to understanding the concepts behind some of the work. I think that this was one side of a 12 sided dye. 

Adbuster Veronique Vienne Interview Kalle Lasn. 

Kalle Lasn proposes that the field of design uses another judging area when accepting jobs to work. She believes that there should be a judge of how much the design is going ti impact its users and those around them. She believes that designers are really causing impact on on the world negatively through psychological impact of these products that we're designing for. I can see where she is going with this, but I feel there are too many variables to actually take this proposed plan into actuality. And I really feel that many people will just come in and swoop up these projects to create design for, because they need the money. I don't think that you can honestly base a system off so much uncertainty.

Sunday, September 29, 2013

VA reading response week 4


Design is like a human, as we age we change, we develop better standards, understandings and personality. Design will forever morph into what is better, through experiences of bad and good design the culture has been constant.  Continually understanding what is important and who is the main benefactor of design. Now design is at a crossroads, with many people jumping on the band wagon how can design get better?

Cultural Catalysts, Cultural Agency

Reaching the user or client can go sweet or sour. Motivating them or empowering them is a key job of a designer. we are to be an agent of design which is a catalyst for change. We hold no bars and we offer no parle but we still have to be able to reach out to our audience, and being hardcore parkour all the time is not the best way. We have to take a second think about how to approach each client and how we can be the agent and catalyst for the future. 

Now That We Can Do Anything, What Will We Do?
The main thesis of Toynbee's work is that the well being of a civilization depends on its ability to respond creatively to challenges, human and environmental.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

DS: Attributes update Rail Side Benchers

Attributes: key words that reflect RSB

1) Involved

2) Genuine

3) Midwest

4) Notorious

5) Dedicated

6) Liberal 

Brand essence: 

"Notoriety; getting up & being seen"

Attributes: Old key words

1) urban

2) Iconic

3) Midwest

4) Invested

5) Reputable

Friday, September 13, 2013

MX: Back Home scenarios

What if I am a freshman in college and am from out of state. I want to be connected more with my family/friends/community back at home.
Back Home will be an app and website that will provide students a way to stay connected with their home when they are away. By creating a profile and by inviting friends and family members to Back Home via the app or site they will be able to experience home away from home. This whole system will help the students stay at ease when they are nervous being away. The app and site will track what their family or friends are doing and provide the students opportunity to add to their experience and vice versa.  

With live alerts on your mobile device you can keep up to date with big events or places your family or friends are at giving you a sense of still being apart of their lives.

What if I am starting to get a little homesick as I am missing my home/old room.
The online memory of your room will help the college student adjust and feel at ease by letting them customize their new home by projecting their fondest things from home. So whether it is your favorite wall with all your friends written notes or your favorite poster of David Bowie they can be customized and formatted to your new space at college.

Customizing your room is easy, and if your parents have put up new things or have surprised you with a note or something special you can  see the latest additions to your old room. You can choose to put them up in your own new room, keeping you in touch. 

What if I miss seeing my mom. 
This system will include a video chat and the option to project the person you are talking to on your wall so they feel like they are actually there with you in your dorm room. The app for the computer will use the built in projector and project an HD image of your mother as if she was in the room with you. 

What if I miss hearing/going to my little brother’s soccer games back at home.
with the Back Home app your family can live record the game on their phone app and stream it live to you or can record it for you to watch later on. If live, the user can be projected at the game to cheer on their little brother as they score a goal! Also at the same time you can project the game from your computer in your own space seeing it at a larger scale so that you can have the sense you are really there amongst all the action. 

What if I live on a lake back at home, and moving into an inner city college makes me miss my hometown surroundings even more.
The Back Home app will allow you to set up a listing of where you are from (town/city/state/etc) you can choose your favorite place and set it as your live background both on your app page but also as your home on the hub site. When using the site on your computer you can project it in your room with a live feed you both will be able to see and hear your old tromping grounds. And when you just want to hear the sound you can just pull out your phone app and have the live feed near you when you cannot project it. 

In addition to being able to projecting your own home Back Home will suggest places near by that have similar elements that you are missing back at home. Places that can give you the same feeling as home. 

What if my parents went to the state fair, and feel bad I wasn’t able to go since I am in college.
Not being able to physically be there is a problem of the past, with Back Home you can project all the fun sites in your own space. You will be able to interact with vendors, so if you find that one cool thing you really have to have you Back Home will give you the option to purchase it and ship it to your dorm or apartment at college. In addition to being able to see your homes state fair Back Home can tell you about local state fairs in your college area. This can provide you an opportunity to share your new homes state fair with friends and family back at your old home. Options to interact such as purchasing goods or going on rides will be offered to both parties using the app on any mobile device. 

How can I find out who else is from my hometown around here?
When going to a new school finding people from your area can be a task. With the Back Home app you will be provided a list of people at your school and possible other close colleges who are from your area. That way you can go and meet new friends and become more comfortable in your new place of living. But it doesn't always have to be someone from your home, Back Home will also alert you if someone has been interacting with someone from your home town. They might be someone who you can relate to and possibly become friends with also. 

What if I want to connect with other people that go to a nearby college that are also from my hometown? It will be nice to have friends that can relate to my home state.
If you haven't already been suggested at previous interactions with the app or site, while out and about if you are at the store or a restaurant and someone else has the Back Home app they will be added to your suggested friends list, with live notifications and mobile phone “places” Back Home will be able to tell you if someone around you is from your hometown or state. 

What if I want to share my hometown interests/photos to my new friends?
If you find a new friend that has Back Home you can send objects to be placed in their “home” creating a customized room that both reflects their old memories while also updating with their new memories. Things can be added or denied via the app or site. Using the site you will be able to place the new memories where ever you want to when projecting your old room. 

What if I am a foreign exchange student, and I want to see if there are any college clubs for the people of my home country?  
After confirming where you are from via the app or on the online hub you will be able to input your likes, interests, hobbies, etc. then Back Home will find clubs, associations, or people with similar likes or beliefs allowing you to assimilate easily. In addition to clubs the app will find businesses, services, or facilities that can cater to your culture or origin. 

Monday, September 9, 2013

VA: question

How can we create a visual/unified image of the neighborhood other than simply through the logo and promotional materials?

Create a community event that shows the bringing together of the physical area, cultures, individuals, etc.

-create a simple overall feel so that one knows the area they are in, similar to the Plaza, Westport, Zona Rosa, etc.
-colors on curbs pulled from the logo
-logo or lions from logo painted on empty buildings or sidewalks
-use visual unified marks/cues
-cloth banners/that promote area + season/metal signs
-creating a visual aesthetic for all business signs to go along with while keeping their individuality
-community event/melting pot to bring people out + celebrate the diversity of the area
-entry sign into the neighborhood, showing the boundaries
-mentorship/babysit of kids in the neighborhood
-empowerment series to help motivate people living in the neighborhood via lectures, demonstrations, or hands on activities

MX: scenarios and mood boards

Mission: To make students feel more comfortable adjusting in a new environment with the support of their hometown and interests.

Specific Audience: College freshman possibly at UMKC, KCAI, Penn Valley, Rockhurst

How are you building community: We are planning on helping with the smooth transition of freshman by making them feel at ease and meet other people with similar backgrounds/interests.


I am a freshman in college and am from out of state. I want to be connected more with my family/friends/community back at home.
This online hub will help college students stay connected with their home when they away. It will do this by letting them create an online profile which will have many functions and will act like the students are still part of their life back at home. This whole system will help the students stay at ease when they are nervous being away.

I am starting to get a little homesick as I am missing my home/old room.
The online hub will help the college student adjust and feel at ease by letting them customize their homepage with photos from their house/hometown. They can decorate their homepage to their liking. You can also project photos on your dorm room walls so it feels like your room you might have back at home. 

I miss seeing my mom. 
This system will include a video chat and the option to project the person you are talking to on your wall so they feel like they are actually there with you in your dorm room. 

I might not have the time to video chat with my mom, but could I quickly talk to her?
There will be a way to talk to her without the use of video chat. It will act like a phone.

I miss hearing/going to my little brother’s soccer games back at home.
Your customized profile will connect you with the soccer schedule of your little brother or any other local sporting event, along with updating you on the scores and by sharing photos of the game.

I live on a lake back at home, and moving into an inner city college makes me miss my hometown surroundings even more.
The online hub/app will let you have the ability to choose familiar sounds that you are used to hearing at home. It will then play them on your computer/iPad while you are hanging out in your dorm room. It will make you feel like you are still at home and comfortable with the lakeside atmosphere.

It would be nice to see what the weather is like back at home.
You can look up what the weather is like back where you are from, and have it displayed on your home page/profile so you can see it every time you log in.  

My parents went to the state fair, and feel bad I wasn’t able to go since I am in college.
Your parents/friends can send you photos so you keep up to date with events happening in your hometown.
How can I find out who else is from my hometown around here?
When you personalize your profile on the online hub, there will be an option to view a list all of the people from the surrounding colleges that are also from your hometown. 

What if I want to connect with other people that go to a nearby college that are also from my hometown? It will be nice to have friends that can relate to my home state.
Once you see the other people that are also from your hometown, you can have the option to message them and schedule a get together/outing.

What if I want to share my hometown interests/photos to my new friends?
Once you befriend people, you can have them see your customized homepage/profile of photos which can be of your home/family/lifestyle.

What if I am a foreign exchange student, and I want to see if there are any college clubs for the people of my home country?  
Once you type in where you are from, the hub will list college clubs based on your home country. If the college you go to now doesn’t have a club, you can either have the ability to create a club or see if the surrounding colleges have the club you desire. 

If I am getting homesick and miss the Italian food I enjoy from my hometown/country, what do I do?
On the online hub, you can have the option to select the types of foods you enjoy and it will recommend nearby restaurants that specialize in the food you enjoy. It will also list some other people from surrounding colleges that enjoy the same food/restaurants so you can have the option to invite them out with you.

I was very interested in history museums back at home, I really would like to continue going to them for fun, but I am new to this town.
The online hub will list nearby attractions if you list interests. It will even allow your parents help recommend nearby attractions. They will be able to give you a list of options that they will think you will like. 

I need a specialized service where should I go? 
It will recommend nearby services so you will know where to go. It will help you know the surrounding area incase you have troubles adjusting since you might not be familiar with the area.

I am Catholic and would like to know Catholic churches I can go to?
You can have the option to type in your religion, and it will give to search results for nearby churches along with other college students that attend those church services.

I got a good grade on my project and would love to share my achievement with my parents.
You can easily upload your projects/assignments to let your parents see your achievements. There is even a reward system. If your family wants to reward you for your good grades, they will have the ability to give you coupons/gifts cards to nearby restaurants/attractions. 

I need help studying for a test.
This system will help stay connected with other classmates so you can prepare/organize study sessions.

Would this online system recommend other friends?
Once you start making friends that are also from your hometown, it will allow you to get to know their friends who have similar interests as you. 

I am really starting to adjust to college well and its surroundings.
The more you branch out/do activities (check in at the places), it will generate rewards/discounts. This way, it will encourage students to be active and socialize.


Design Inspiration: (for online home pages/profiles/maps/projections in dorms)

Sunday, September 8, 2013

VA: Reading response W3

article. Graphic Authorship.

The definition of author has changed over the years. The author proposes a different model for designers as writers via the form of: designer as translator, designer as performer, and designer as director.

designer as translator.

Designing is essentially the clarification of materials. It is not scientific or historical, simply a representation of information. Sometimes the information has to be changed to fit a different audience, but that is still simply translating, not creating.

designer as performer.

Just like the author and musicians used in a play are needed for it to exist, neither gets credit for the creation of the text. The information will always change based on how it is expressed and by who. The designer expresses content through graphic devices, giving the information life.

designer as director.

This only happens with large-scale projects. Often, designers work in conjunction with other individuals who help to research or give the needed information. The designer simply transforms large amounts of information into a new form or content structure.

But in the end, the author states that designers will always be designers.

article. The Designer As Producer.

Products don’t last as long as they once did because new technology allows for quicker changes from design to replication, which then enables quicker discussion of designs and then production. Technology changes have also allowed us to distribute goods at a larger scale, no longer simply local. Designers are able to not only produce more readily but also have the ability to make more specific/intricate/niche items than before with the aid of smaller shops or via handcrafted.

So really, it’s a great time to be in the design field and creating innovative products. We no longer have as many boundaries as we once did based on technologies. Then again, you need to add in the factor that it may cost more to produce these designs and thus keep us further from creating the next big project, but it will allow us to continue dreaming and hopefully find someone who can make our dreams a reality, for a not so astronomical price.

article. Design With Intent.

Designers have changed their stance to be more user focused on effecting them on an immediate + intimate level, not through distance.

questioning user-centered design.
User-Centered Design used to be a system based on observed and implied needs over time. It has now transitioned into creating an interface that is nearly invisible to the user’s eyes; basically it has become something like second nature.

new design practices.

The almost invisible design of user-centered, almost invisible order has become a topic of question as of late. There are three types of ‘societal transformation’ that are emerging: persuasion design, catalyst design, and performance design.

percussion design.

This design focuses on the idea of using influence in design choices to alter the mind of the user. Basically this uses color, or form to make the user subconsciously react to what they see.

catalyst design.

This design focuses on active involvement of those in the designated audience. These individuals are not tested anonymously but visually in a given community.

performance design.

This design focuses on the ability of emotional impact; the ability to make change by causing emotions and sharing stories.

Friday, September 6, 2013

MX: Home away from Home

reading response: community psychology

It was interesting in the breakdown of memberships, I 
think the actual breakdown is going to be a tool I either 
keep with me or memorize because it is so well listed. I 
Think that the way it has the core needs of the member
of a group; boundaries, emotional safety, a sense of
belonging, personal investment, and a common symbol
system (the tougher point to understand) 

So boundaries are good to understand I believe that it
is something sometimes looked over or overstated when
a design is made for a specific group. I know there is a
sweet spot per say that is a balance of recognition and 
accessibility. I think if you recognize the need or prioritize
the needs of the users boundaries can be a beneficial apt
way to hit that sweet spot. 

I think the other points such as personal investment and 
a common symbol system is pretty standard. Just in a
user system you need them to invest time, feel safe to 
use the program, and feel like the program is creating a
need for them to use said program. 

Empowering, shared values & similar search, definitive 
element of a true community, those words can summarize 
the rest of the article. Mainly because the rest feed closely
to the main point of understanding membership. Empower
your member or what do they get out of it that will make
them come back to the program? What values are you 
sharing or have similar that will make the user to return to
using the program produced? What is the definitive element
that is making your program a "true Community" that your
users will feel and possibly make them feel apart of a real
community, not some facade community. What will your
program do to make them feel like they are contributing to
the community. 

home away from home: our own graph

I would like to thank taylor for doing the graph. I know we
spent a lot of time concept building and I believe we found
a topic that has us both really excited. 

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

MX: possibilities

here is a post for MX, thinking about the possibilities for the future.

DS: research RSB

rail side benchers; a lifestyle company

The owner and my friend Travis Carroll recently started
his own lifestyle company, "Rail Side Benchers". By the
definition I was given by the owner Travis a bencher is
someone who goes out to train stations/tracks or really
anywhere you can find train cars that have been tagged
and documents artists work on those cars. Rail Side Be-
nchers is Travis Carroll's tribute or reflection of that type
of life. His designs and imagery are very true to the 
community he is trying to support. Using iconography 
that is common within the culture and using it to connect 
to those who share the same passion has had a positive
response. In addition this whole line of clothing is trying
to reach or build up a untapped community that is very
open to supporting each other. 

products; what they provide

Travis as of now sells Shirts and photo prints, but he will
be providing some interesting products in the near future
to create a buzz for his business. The idea is to provide 
more shirt options, hats, more prints, and special offers
for this refresh. 

type of vendor; local / web based service

As of right now Travis is doing this from home and most
likely it will stay that way. With the mass movement to 
purchase clothing and most products online it is a strong
reason to just keep it in that venue. 

competitors; large and small competition

The mass movement of urban graffiti clothing has been 
a recent trend, companies such as Rebel8 and Us vs Them
has lead to a bigger convergence of urban style within the 
younger generations. Also with the Banksy film and others
more people are interested in the lifestyle of urban artists.
Companies large such as Rogue Status to smaller newer 
business's such as LOAD LIMIT have popped up creating 
some decent competition or possible friends for Travis. I 
think since the community is so conjoined there is a good
possibility that Travis could contact and grow his business 
just by contacting these larger or similar groups of people.

why does rail side benchers matter?

As explained briefly before the community of urban artists
is growing exponentially and there are niches within this 
culture. Some of these niches are respected by the com-
munity in a whole, such as benchers. Most of the time it
is because benchers that people's work gets recognized on
social media sites such as flicker and tumblr and because
of their "position" within the culture they are respected. 
Benchers tie the community together and provide a bind
between artists, one that can lead to awesome collabs 
that wouldn't have happened without the benchers help.
This creates a great opportunity to build travis's brand 
because its is so niche but also respected that it can lead
to a good strong following and repeat customers. 

what i can provide; what can i bring to rsb

So after a couple talks and brain storming I believe I
can bring in some really cool design tools that can really
push Rail Side Benchers to the next level. First we have 
to really push his brand and create some brand standards
for Travis to follow that way it is a cohesive company. It
will start with building a stronger logo that represents his
brand a little stronger. Then I think there is a lot poten-
tial within his packaging and just the way he provides his
product to his customers. Then after we have a strong 
hold on how his brand and packaging will work moving to
getting the brand's awareness up. So I believe that if we
moved to doing more social media work it could provide 
the publicity that he would need, also it would be a way
to connect to the pre-built society that urban artist use
in the first place. Since they all use most social media
sites it would only make sense. I think he could really use
it for his benefit, he has the ability to really work both the
benchers side of things and the profitability of the shop.
Also building him a better site would be something in the
works to help him attract people to buy his products. 

what travis thinks; in person interview

Travis is very excited to have me working with him on
building his brand. It is something that he would love to 
have more insight on or help to get his business really
push started. We talked about possibilities and solutions
to problems he would have as a low budget owner until
it business really picks up. We thought of ways that could
really entice customers to repeatedly order from him and
how he could reward those customers. We want to really
tap into that community and bring it together so the 
design and way he deals with his business have to reflect 
that want. So there are some questions to be asked but
I am positive I can come up with some really creative
solutions that both of us can really be excited for.

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

VA: week two r&r

graphic agitation: social and political graphics since the 60's

Propaganda is so so old, any history class can tell you that. 
The use of propaganda is both good and bad it all really
is determined by who is controlling the flow of information. 
Usually propaganda makes it self known in the world, it is
loud and it is supposed to be compelling. I think propaganda
is just another tool that a designer should have a handle on
but I believe that the use of language is what should be 
handled well to create a successful propaganda series. 

visualizing a revolution: emory douglas and the bpn

I believe that the key focus of this topic is really to understand
the strength of people and a culture. Ignoring them and 
misrepresenting them can be a dumb decision and I think
as designers we are to make sure we make the peoples who 
are ignored heard for who they are. The usage of print and
mass propaganda played a big part of their message being
heard. Some of the strongest opinions have had just as 
simple of a start and caused mass movements. It is a reaso-
nable idea to always think about the message and how easy 
it is for a message to grow if you give it a small push. I think
it is important to recognize the voice of others and how much
of an impact their words can make. 

design of dissent: introduction & interview with milton glaser 

First I have to say I love Mr. Glaser, I find his work awesome, but 
enough of me gushing but this is basically another explanation that 
our work can cause a big impact. I get it... I do think it is nice that
he explains the sides of it all however, its not always going to be 
a good thing. It can be destructive just as easily as constructive, the
possibility that it can alienate a group of people is important to
recognize. Ignorance is not always bliss in design. As designers we
should be aggressive and push ourselves to know what is right for
the client. And that sometimes is not what they envision but as a 
designer we need to design think and rationalize our decisions in a
clear way for the client. That way they understand and also the 
designer has a grasp on what kind of impact the design has.